What is the Early Start Denver Model?

The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is a comprehensive evidence-based behavioural early intervention program for children with autism. 

ESDM outlines both what and how to teach toddlers with autism. It integrates a respectful, child choice, relationship-focused developmental model. The ESDM must be delivered by a Certified ESDM therapist. To become certified in the ESDM, professionals must hold postgraduate qualification and a strong background in autism early intervention before training for many months in the treatment delivery and being assessed by the MIND Institute trainers. Sheryl Yorke is currently the only certified provider of clinic based, intensive, 1:1 ESDM programs in the Illawarra.

ESDM aims to reduce the severity of autism symptoms and accelerate developmental rates in all areas, with particular emphasis in the areas of cognition, social-emotional development, and communication.